Two years after the Biturbo's original launch, Maserati introduced a foor-dour model to the range. Based on a longer platform with a 2600mm wheelbase, which maintained the same styling, the 425 marked a new entry in the competitive market of fast luxury compact sports saloon for the 'Casa del Tridente'.
The engine adopted was the new 2.5-litre version of the V6 recently introduced on the Biturbo E export markets. The twin-turbo technology, now monitored by an automatic boost control system, gave the 425 a top speed in excess of 215 kph.
The very refined interior featured ergonomic seats upholstered in blue or brown with a velour fabric designed by Missoni. It also offered with leather trim as an option. Air conditioning was fitted as standard and a very elegant set of leather bags and suitcases were offered as optional extra.