A Monthly Event Local Kent Gathering
First Monday of the Month, excluding Bank Holidays.
Please email David if you intend to join in.
7:30pm, Cock Inn, Boughton Monchelsea (nr Maidstone) ME17 4JD.
Please contact David Bracey at dcbracey@gmail.com.
14 June 2015 Maserati Club AGM and Concours D’Elegance
Prescott Hill Climb, Gloucestershire, GL52 9RD.
These popular club events will once again take place at the scenic Gloucestershire home of Prescott Hillclimb. The event is open to all Club members and their families and includes the Annual General Meeting, the Club Concours and also an opportunity to drive the famous hill.

Prescott has been at the forefront of British Hillclimbing for almost 80 years now and is the home of the Bugatti Owner's Club. We are sharing the venue with the Jaguar E-type Register, which allows us to offer the event and the hillclimb at a very competitive price

Imagine a summer's day on the Prescott Estate, enjoying the rolling acres of green and dappled sun in the orchard combined with the smell of hot motor oil and polish, the feel of warm tarmac and the sound of a well-tuned engine !
The format for this year's event will be slightly different from last year and Michael O'Shea is asking members to print out their own entry forms, indemnity forms, hotel booking form and guide notes.
You may download the Event Information Sheet from HERE !
You may download your Concours Entry Form from HERE !
You may download the Event Entry Form and Hillclimb Booking Form (if you're taking part in this) from HERE !
Please send your Event Entry Forms and Hillclimb Booking Forms along with payment to Michael O'Shea.
Upon receipt of payment, your entrance ticket and Hillclimb ticket, if applicable, will be forwarded to you in time for the event.
We have again organised a Saturday night Dinner, Bed and Breakfast at the Tewkesbury Park Hotel and Country Club, GL20 7DN.
This is the same hotel as last year which I think everyone enjoyed and thought it very convenient to Prescott Hill Climb for the Sunday morning (11 miles).
The hotel has undergone many upgrades since last year including newly refurbished bedrooms and a resurfaced driveway.
The rate is £65 per person including dinner for a deluxe double or twin room and £75 per person for a single room.
Golf is available on Saturday for guests and can be booked directly with the hotel (green fees apply), there is also a gym and leisure club available for use too.
PLEASE NOTE: There is no deposit required, settle your account on the day with the hotel, but all bookings are firm, any cancellations after 20th May will be charged.
Hotel booking details to Teresa Lerry – info@freedom-motorhomes.co.uk
For further information, please contact Michael O'Shea at racingnews@maseraticlub.co.uk.
24-27 July 2015 Silverstone Classic 2015
The WORLD’S BIGGEST Classic Show and Racing Festival

The Maserati club will once again be attending this event, so, come and attend and see the most exciting racing action over the weekend, plus see over 9000 classic cars on display. The action will build on the excitement, spectacle and adrenaline of previous events, with over 20 races over the weekend. Featured races from Group C, ‘Le Mans’ sports prototype, GT and Touring Car grids, etc.
There will be Live music,(Status Quo), Air displays, Funfair, Shopping village and much much more.
Access to ‘All Areas’ including Paddocks and Grandstands.
Over 9000 Classic Cars on Display.
Again, same as last year, for 2015 you will need to contact the Silverstone Ticket office direct for your tickets using the Club’s discount Code that can be found in the next Newsletter.
Either by Telephone:- 0871 231 0849
or on line at http://silverstoneclassic.seetickets.com/event/silverstone-classic-car-club-members.
The table below explains the Maserati Car Club Display Package prices that are uniquely available to our club members.
The package includes two general admission Event Tickets and one infield vehicle display pass for our allocated club display area. These can only be purchased by using the booking code dedicated to the Maserati club. This offer is only available until 31st May 2015.
PLEASE REMEMBER: Maserati club’s dedicated booking code for the event can be found in the next Newsletter.

Please note, entrance to the 2015 Silverstone Classic is by advance ticket only.
When you have booked your tickets please email Edwin at EJF@MANX.NET and advise me what day/days and what car you will be attending.
2 August 2015 Summer Garden Party
The Dering Arms
Station Road
Kent, TN27 ORR
Jim Buss will again be hosting our Summer Garden Party on Sunday, 2 August, from midday.

It will be the same special format of champagne, wine, buffet and jazz ... mixed up with dear friends.
The cost is as last year - £25.00 each in advance only, payable direct to Jim Buss at The Dering Arms (www.deringarms.com. Cheque or card.
For those unaware of the event, here is a short film from last year www.youtube.com.
If you need any info call Jim on 01233 840371 or email jim@deringarms.com
24-27 September 2015 Maserati International Meeting 2015
Biarritz - Organised by the Club Maserati France
"Hi Everyone,
I have received some information from Henri Teisseranc, the organiser of the French International rally in Biarritz this year, (and about to become the new president of the French Club).
Booking for the Rally will take place online using their dedicated website www.MIR2015.fr which will go live sometime this January, probably between the middle of January and the end of January. With luck I shall have a couple of days warning and shall then alert all of you. You will have to have booked by 30th March.
Costs will range from: €1900 for two people sharing a room for the rally with all meals included staying in a normal room, and rising to €2600 for 2 people sharing a room with a sea view. There will be single person supplement options.
Only one hotel be used and the rally will be limited to 90 teams.
Modern and classic cars will be welcome (Unlike previous years), with around a 50:50 mix but priority will given to classic cars. This means that if you have a classic car, bring it as there is a strong possibility of over subscription for modern cars.
They will define classic cars as before the 3200GT. In other words classics are up to and including Shamals and Ghibli biturbos. Modern cars are 3200GT, Coupe and Spyder (4200), Quattroporte 5 and 6, GranTurismo, GranCabrio, Ghibli 3 (4-door).
My advice is for you to book at the very earliest opportunity. I will assist as best I can and make the most of Henri’s tendency to favour our contingent. His avowed aim is to put on an event that is as good as the UK Club’s Goodwood event in 2009.
John Bennett is organising a tour for UK Club members to and from the event and you should contact him directly if you are interested and if you have any questions - jbb@dircon.co.uk.
Thomas Brimblecombe of Classic Grand Touring Ltd is organising a tour to the Angouleme event the weekend before and is preparing an add-on for those that then want to continue to the MIR2015 - www.classicgt.co.uk/contact-us/.
And finally, can you please let me have any additional information that would be useful, like what car you are thinking of bringing, your mobile phone number, whether you are interested in The John Bennett tour or the Thomas Brimblecombe tour etc.
The 2015 Maserati International Meeting will be based in Biarritz in SW France at the Hotel du Palais www.hotel-du-palais.com.

The event will be limited to 90 cars split 50/50 between Classic and Moderns. The French club are defining Classics as cars up to and including Ghibli Biturbos and Shamals. Early booking will therefore be essential and if you are interested in attending please drop Roger Epsztajn an e-mail and he will advise you as soon as bookings are open and hopefully a little in advance! Contact: roger@maseraticlub.co.uk.
The website where bookings will be made is planned to go live in January 2015 at www.MIR2015.fr.
For those able to obtain a booking the club is offering a tour to the meeting starting and finishing in Portsmouth. A rough outline is given below and if this would be of interest can you please let John Bennett know together with a note of the model of Maserati you will be using. Contact: jbb@dircon.co.uk.
Tue 22 Sep
20.00 hrs Depart Portsmouth on overnight Brittany Ferry to St Malo.
Dinner on board
Wed 23 Sep
08.00 hrs Arrive St Malo
Overnight en route with dinner (at venue TBC)
Thu 24 Sep
Drive to Biarritz for start of the International
Fri 25 Sep
International Rally
Sat 26 Sep
International Rally
Sun 27 Sep
End of rally
Drive to San Sebastian
Mon 28 Sep
Drive to Santander
Depart on overnight Brittany ferry with dinner on board
Tue 29 Sep
Arrive Portsmouth
9-12 October 2015 Autumn Meeting 2015
Autumn Meeting in Yorkshire Dales

We are extremely pleased to have been able to book the Rendezvous Hotel in Skipton, in the Yorkshire Dales for the Maserati Club Autumn Meeting weekend. See their Web site www.rendezvous-skipton.co.uk.

The meeting starts on Friday evening and finishes either Sunday afternoon or Monday, therefore it is either a 3 or 2 night meeting, you choose which suits you best.
We start at The Rendezvous hotel, a family run hotel, with good car parking, and is on the outskirts of the delightful market town of Skipton which is the gateway to the Dales; Dining is in the canal side Baby Swan restaurant. There is a gym, swimming pool, sauna, and steam room. It is a 1 mile walk on the towpath of the Leeds-Liverpool canal into the old market town of Skipton.
Arrive Friday afternoon, if you arrive early you can visit the old Market Town and sample some of the old fashioned individual shops, before Checking-in to the hotel from 4.00pm then meet for a welcome drink reception at 7.15 followed by dinner at 8.15pm in the Baby Swan restaurant. Dress smart casual.
Saturday after breakfast we have organized a scenic tour of the Dales for the day stopping off for coffee at Kettlewell, then on to Hawes where we stop and spend time exploring Hawes, then to the Wensleydale Creamery for a tour on making cheese and cheese tasting before Lunch in Calvert’s Restaurant, then follow the organized route back to the hotel via the Dent Dale and Ribblehead Viaducts where you can park and walk up to the arches, then in the evening have a Champagne reception at 7.00 before the Gala Dinner at 8.00. Dress will be formal with ladies in dresses and gentlemen in Jackets (not black tie).

Sunday morning visit the Castle at Skipton and then follow a scenic route to The Inn at Whitewell where we have booked Sunday lunch.
You may download your Booking Form from HERE !
Contact Edwin Faulkner at EJF@MANX.NET.
6 December 2015 Maserati Club Christmas Lunch

The Club has decided to hold one more lunch at the Bluebird Dining Rooms.
Further information and a booking form will appear in a later newsletter and here on the website.