and OSCAs
at the Mille Miglia 2002

Hi Enrico,

Find enclosed some pics of this years Mille Miglia. I could never understand how all the pictures I've seen of the cars there all had so many people in them, however, having experienced the event I can now understand why!!

Some of the pics may be a little on the dark side, this is due to the fact that I loaded the camera with 200 speed film as I was expecting sunshine. I had to push the film to 400 but still struggled. It's all so technical!!!

Please feel free to use tham on your site. I have added a few thoughts on the reverse side of some of them.

Just return them whenever really. I don't mind if you keep them until we next meet up.

Regards to the missus!

All the best, Lee.


There should be some cars around somewhere!

No shortage of sponsorship here!

Bruce Male's fabulous A6G 54 by Zagato

Bruce Male's gorgeous A6GCS/53


Mille Miglia 2002 banner in Piazza Vittoria

The Mille Miglia isn't just about cars!

It's about a man and his dreams!

It's about rain!

It's about sunshine

It's about friendship!

It's about searching for that certain something!

For me, it's all about Maseratis!

And more Maseratis!


The A6G 54 - Maserati and Zagato worked their magic!

This Maserati has done it all before!

Something tells me that Lee liked this car. A lot!

Home to a living legend that just goes on and on......

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