The restoration of a Ghibli SS - Part I

Nel 2008 un conoscente mi segnalò la presenza di una Ghibli SS, in vendita nelle vicinanze di Parigi; inutile dire che mi recai senza indugio a vederla. Era brutta, terribilmente brutta, stuccata da uno pseudo muratore, con linee poco spigolose e tanti, tanti particolari non originali. Dalla carta in possesso del proprietario, sottoscritta da Ermanno Cozza, l'auto risultava essere nata con specifiche USA, venduta nel 1971 da Bob Grossman, titolare dell'omonima concessionaria Maserati in New York ed avente le seguenti caratteristiche:

-colore esterno rosso;
-interni in pelle connolly neri;
-aria condizionata;
-Borrani wire wheel;
-radio Autovox.

L'auto era mal ridotta, ma in cuor mio pensavo che prima o poi sarei riuscito a ridarle la vita.

Il motore era fuso (con albero irreparabile, causa colletti rotti), andava a 5 cilindri, fumava bianco per via di una guarnizione della testata bruciata, aveva notevoli perdite d'olio dalla coppa, gli interni erano rifatti male, mancavano alcuni strumenti originali, le cromature da rifare, la marmitta marcia ecc ecc.

Dopo una lunga trattativa ci accordammo sul prezzo e feci caricare l'auto destinazione casa.

Qui sotto la foto della ghibli arrivata a casa:

In 2008, an acquaintance of mine informed me of the presence of a Ghibli SS, that was up for sale in the neighborhood of Paris, needless to say that I went to see her without delay. It was ugly, terribly ugly, plastered by a pseudo builder, with not very angular lines and many, many non-original parts.

From the documentation held by the owner, signed by Ermanno Cozza, the car appeared to have been built to US specification, sold in 1971 by Bob Grossman, owner of Maserati dealership in New York and having the following characteristics:

Exterior colour: red
Interior: black Connolly leather
Power steering
Air conditioning
Borrani wire wheels
Autovox radio.

The car was in a really bad state, but in my heart I thought that sooner or later I would be able to restore her back to life.

The engine had seized ( an irreparable crankshaft, due to broken bearings ), the engine was firing on only 5 cylinders, and exuding white smoke due to a blown head gasket, a considerable amount of oil leaking from the sump, the interior had been poorly restored, many original instruments were missing, all chrome work needed to be re-chromed, the exhaust system was rotten, etc..

After a lengthy negotiation, we agreed on the price and I loaded the car ready for the trip back home.

Below is a photo of the Ghibli on arrival:


The Ghibli SS arrives at its new home
Una foto del motore:

Here is a photo of the engine:


The Ghibli SS V8 engine
Notare quanto stucco nella zona tra parabrezza e cofano:

Notice how much filler there was between the windscreen and engine bay:


Notice the amount of filler
Sverniciatura esterna con smontaggio a scocca....l'inizio di un lungo lavoro:

Stripping the body to bare metal and brought down to the basicchassis....the start of a very lengthy operation:



Il taglio di tutte le parti marce:

Cutting out all the corroded sections:



Fianco posteriore destro:

Right-hand side rear:


Fianco posteriore destro:

Left-hand side rear:


Dopo la sabbiatura e verniciatura con fondo epossidico:

After sandblasting and painting with epoxy primer:




Lattonatura longherone sottoporta:

The new inner rocker panel:










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