General Information
Here is some general information for your website and Maserati owners with a Lucas fuel injection system on their cars.
Best regards,
Harm Klijn / Power Props."
General information about Lucas MK-I Fuel Injection System and how to maintain the system.
Lucas number: Oil Type: Number is on the air inlet
73008 - engine: 3.5 liter - 1962/66
73008 - engine: 3.7 liter - 1962/66
73020 - engine: 3.7 liter - 1965/66
Lucas number: Oil Less type: Number is on the air inlet
73024/24E - engine: 3.5 / 3.7 / 4.0 liter - 1966/67
73024 F /J - engine: 3.7 liter - 1967/68
73055 A/D -engine: 4.0 liter - 1967/68
73040 A/D -engine: 4.0 liter - 1967/68
73020 - engine: 3.5 liter - 1967
73024 - engine: 3.7 liter - 1967
73040 - engine: 4.0 liter - 1967
Metering Unit Oil Type: The first type of Metering Unit on the Maserati was an Oil Type. This type used oil from the engine to lubricate the Sleeve and Rotor. On the Metering Unit there is a extra oil pump (see picture). It is very important that the oil pressure is more than the fuel pressure!! If not, petrol is fed back (with the oil) to the engine with all the resulting consequenses.
For all systems the fuel pressure must not be lower then 115 lbs or 7.5 Bar. So, the oil pressure of the Oil Pump must be higher then the fuel pressure!! Therefore it is very important that the Oil Pressure of the Metering Unit oil pump be checked every year!! And it should be adjusted on the car by a specialist!!! |
An exploded view of the Metering Unit with text explaining the various parts. |
Metering Unit Oil Less type: This type of Metering Unit was used on the later Maserati models and has no problems whatsoever after a complete overhaul!! There is no oil pump for lubricating the Rotor Sleeve (better materials are used) and the system is, almost, identical to the Triumph MK-II type, only bigger!!
See figure 43 arrow without the A = no oil pump. |
How to check the fuel pressure using specialist equipment. Unit shown is an oil-less type of Metering Unit (see arrow) |
For all types: It is very important that the 'Control Piston' (vacuum piston and chamber) are in good condition!! It is a vacuum controlled system, so it is very important there is no leakage in the chamber!!
Also the efficiency of a vacuum injection system depends largely on the inlet manifold. A vacuum leakage in the inlet manifold is often caused by worn spindles and butterflies. This results in the malfunction of the Metering Units supply of petrol to the injectors, causing exessive fuel consumption!!
Original Lucas Petrol Pump: This is the weakest part of the whole system (also on Triumph TR). Therefore I replace the Lucas pump for all models with a Bosch pump (special model). There is only one type of Bosch pump suitable for the Lucas system and you need the following parts for a optimal pressure:
From the petrol tank - Special Filter - First pump of 0.3 bar for helping the Bosch pump - Bosch pump - Pressure Relief Valve and all the pipes and fittings. Price for the Bosch pump set complete: 795,00.
Injector: Lucas MK-I system used four types of injectors. Only one type we can repair to as new. Also we replace, in some case, the MK-I injectors to the Triumph TR MK-II injectors with some modifications. Also we can replace the injector leads from metal to flexible (blac) with new couplings.
Lucas MK-I system for racing engines: Also we are specalist in repair, adjusting and complete overhauling of the Metering Unit for racing engines such as Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 (1968), Jaguar D-type etc........ |
Exploded view of the Lucas Fuel Injection Metering Unit taken from the Mistral Parts Manual |