"Caro Enrico,
Just for fun, I would like to inform you that in Portuguese, welcome, is 'Benvindos'. I think you can update your site's opening page.
Now for something completely new.
I'm about to draw and put up to experience a solution, at least I hope, to the only lack of Research & Developement, derived problem, that all the Biturbos face, till the Ghibli era.
The insufficient gasoline flow under "hard" driving while cornering at high speed, to the left.
In "my" beloved 4.24v. I only felt the problem, when I reach the reserve, more or less, 10 to 12 liters. In the 2.24v. the problem is "bigger". Far from the reserve "point", 25 to 30 liters, I begin to face the lack of gasoline to the engine, while cornering to the left.
I guess if I install a Ghibli system, a tank with the fuel pump and fuel filter inside, the problem will be solved. But that, wouldn't be dealing with the problem.
So, for you, "hard minded", like me, are there any ideas?
I will draw a new system from scratch, put in consideration, for the Enrico's site visitors, hoping that a final solution can be achieved.
Any ideas, should be, adressed to Enrico's site, making the information available to all of us.
Miguel." |